First Class Nutrition S.P.E.E.D pre workout booster

Product Code 10037
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SPEED pre workout booster from First Class Nutrition.

  • Helps to delay the acidification of your muscles
  • Being able to train longer and harder
  • Supports the fight against muscle fatigue
  • Supports supply of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles
  • Helps detoxify ammonia resulting from protein breakdown.
  • Helps to improve performance, both mentally and physically.
  • For better focus and stamina.

Delivery in 5 Days

The ingredients of SPEED pre workout speak for themselves.

Muscle Explosion: Kreatin-Monohydrat -Beta-Alanin -L-Citrullin -

Muscle Energy: Paullinia cupana (Guarana-Extrakt) - Caffeine anhydrous -Taurin -


  • brandname First Class Nutrition
  • how to use 10 gram mengen in 500 ml water, in te nemen 30 min voor de training. * gebaseerd op een persoon van 65 kg
  • ingredients Creatine monohydraat, b¨ta-alanine, Taurine, L-Arginine AKG, zuurteregelaars (appelzuur en citroenzuur),L-citrulline, smaakstof, Guarana-extract (Paullinia cupana), L-Ornithine HCl, antiklontermiddelen (tricalciumfosfaat (E341 (iii)) en siliciumdioxide), zoetstoffen (acesulfaam K (E950) en - sucralose (E955)), dikaliumfosfaat, watervrije cafeine, kleurstof (Allura Rood (E129))
  • Nutritional value Nutritionele waarde per dosis 10 gram Energetische waarden Energie 25,2 Kcal Energie 107,4 kJ Voedingswaarden Vetten 0,004 g Proteine/Eiwitten 5,004 g koolhydraten 0,589 g waarvan suikers 0,013 g Zout 0,013 g
  • vegetarian Yes
  • Vegan No

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